There would be no @Aircorg Without...
My Loving and supportive wife, Em, who endures the craziness of Me and Lilo all day long. From being a great rebounder to our second hype beast, without her half these shots would not have even been possible. We always joke how Lilo comes to me to play, but seeks out Em for affection, cuddles, and a place to just relax/rest. The different dynamics between me and Em have been keeping Lilo strong and healthy and we hope to continue to showcase her jaw-dropping to talent for years to come.
My Brother, Terio, for being our #1 fan. Without him, we probably wouldn't have even gotten into Tiktok. We both had this vision of creating a viral video. To us, 5K was viral and that was the marker we had to beat. He is always the first one to comment/like the video and always keeps us updated on new ideas we can incorporate into Lilo's routine. I remember when we crossed that first 5K video and he cheered us on as if we won the Superbowl lol. Now with over millions of views on TikTok and Instagram, we look back at that 5K goal and know that anything is possible with the right support.
Team @AirCorg - We are just a small group of family and friends cheering on Lilo, but making this website come to life has been pretty stressful. I wanted to give a shoutout to our Chief Marketing Designer and and Chief Supply Chain Manager Jen Dawg & Ash for making this come true. Whether we launch apparel or I just buy everything to hoard into my house, its been great to collaborate together.
And Lastly, Lilo - The Superstar of the family. For your youthful and puppy spirit. May you always sleep by the ball waiting for us to get off work and play with you. No matter how famous you get, I will always remember you as the puppy who decided to bite into an Ant Pile to show your defiance to us.